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HBO Releases Second Full-Length Trailer for Season Seven of Game of Thrones

by Jeff Beck

It may have only been a month since HBO released the first epic full-length trailer for the upcoming season of "Game of Thrones," but with the show's premiere a mere three and a half weeks away, they've decided to release a second to get the fans even more excited (as though we needed to see any more for that to happen!).

Just like before, the trailer gives us brief glances of the characters, not giving us much context for most of them, but enough to show us that this is going to be quite the action-packed season. Again, we're only going to be getting seven episodes for this coming season, and while the runtimes have revealed that most will not be any longer than usual, we do know that the season finale will be a whopping, feature-length 81 minutes (the longest episode in the show's history). The fans have waited an extra long time for this shorter season, so we can only hope that it will have been worth the wait, but knowing this show, it most certainly will be.

Game of Thrones: Season Seven premieres on July 16th at 9pm on HBO.

What do you think of this latest trailer? Let us know in the comments below!

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