Early Reviews Hail Martin Scorsese's Silence as a Masterpiece

At long last, the embargo for Martin Scorsese's "Silence" has broken, and reviews have started to pour in. As fully expected from one of the greatest filmmakers in history, his latest is earning incredibly high marks with a current score of 100% (8.8/10) on Rotten Tomatoes, based on 16 reviews, and an 84 on Metacritic, based on 12 reviews.
As mentioned before, the film, which tells of two Jesuit priests who travel to Japan in the 17th century to search for their mentor, is expected to be a major awards player, and has already earned a few honors that include Best Adapted Screenplay from the NBR, as well as being named one of the top ten films of the year by the same group and the American Film Institute.
Take a look at what the critics are saying so far:
"History has remembered "Citizen Kane" and "Vertigo." These were two films not whole heartedly recognized as masterpieces of their time. History now, will remember "Silence," a marvelous and inspiring cinematic experience not to be forgotten." - Clayton Davis, Awardscircuit.com (4/4)
""Silence" is a slowly unfolding, deeply thoughtful film about questioning yourself. About questioning authority. About taking stock of where you've failed as a human being, and wondering how you can make amends - to yourself, to others, and to God." - Stephen Whitty, New York Daily News (5/5)
"Scorsese has hit the rare heights of Ingmar Bergman and Carl Theodor Dreyer, artists who found in religion a battleground that often left the strongest in tatters. It's a movie desperately needed at a moment when bluster must yield to self-reflection." Joshua Rothkopf, Time Out (5/5)
"One of the most profound films of Scorsese's career. It stirs inside and percolates an intelligent internal conversation." Brian Formo, Collider (4.5/5)
"A taxing film that will not only hold up to multiple viewings, but practically demands them." Peter Debruge, Variety (No score)
"It's a film full of tight close-ups of hands accepting gifts that comfort, inspire and bring succour to their recipients' souls. That's how we should receive it." - Robbie Collin, Daily Telegraph (5/5)
I already couldn't wait to see it before simply based on the fact that it's a new Scorsese film, but what's being said only makes me want to see it even more. Luckily, there's not too long a wait left, as the film is due to open in a limited release on December 23rd, followed by a wide release on January 6th. Until then, be sure to check out the amazing trailer if you haven't had a chance.
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