Beetlejuice Beetlejuice: A Sequel Overstuffed with Storylines (Blu-ray)
The Film: Back in 1988, Tim Burton unleashed one of his most popular classics, "Beetlejuice," a delightful blend of comedy & horror that...
The Flash: A Decent Storyline Unraveled by a Muddled Finale (Blu-ray)
The Film: When Zack Snyder's much-maligned "Justice League" came out back in 2017, it introduced us to a new version of Barry Allen/The...
Spider-Man: Homecoming Comes to Digital HD September 26th and Blu-ray/DVD October 17th
When "Spider-Man: Homecoming" hit theaters this past summer, I think audiences were genuinely shocked to get another good film in the...
First Reviews for Spider-Man: Homecoming Are In
For the past couple of weeks, we've been hearing some pretty positive reactions to the latest "Spider-Man" flick, but the review embargo...
The Founder: The Fascinating Rise of a Fast-Food Empire (Blu-ray)
The Film: There has always been something so utterly compelling about a story that tells of a rise to power. Whether it tells of royalty,...
Spotlight: Well-Intentioned, but Not Very Compelling (Blu-ray)
The Film: Investigative journalism has been a fascinating subgenre for film for several decades. Who could ever forget watching Woodward...