Avengers: Endgame: A Thrilling and Emotionally-Satisfying Conclusion
One year ago, Marvel left us with one of the biggest cliffhangers of all time at the end of “Avengers: Infinity War.” With a snap of his...

Avengers: Infinity War: The Grand Epic Fans Have Been Waiting For (Blu-ray)
The Film: It’s the event that comic book/MCU fans have been waiting for. Over the course of ten years and 18 films, Marvel Studios has...

Avengers: Infinity War Comes to Digital HD July 31st and Blu-ray/DVD August 14th
At long last, Marvel Studios/Walt Disney Home Entertainment has announced the home release of the biggest film of 2018, "Avengers:...

Ant-Man and the Wasp: Light Marvel Fare, but Still Satisfying
Three years ago, Marvel Studios introduced “Ant-Man” on the big screen, a concept that seemed like it would be rather silly when lifted...

Avengers: Infinity War: The Biggest Marvel Epic Yet
It’s the event that comic book/MCU fans have been waiting for. Over the course of ten years and 18 films, Marvel Studios has slowly built...

First Reviews for Avengers: Infinity War Are In
At long last, Marvel's "Avengers: Infinity War" is set to open this Thursday evening, and with press screenings having taken place over...

Thor: Ragnarok Comes to Digital HD February 20th and Blu-ray/DVD March 6th
Walt Disney Home Entertainment and Marvel Studios have officially announced the home release of their latest superhero adventure "Thor:...

Doctor Strange: Spectacular Special Effects in Search of an Engaging Narrative (Blu-ray)
The Film: Here we go yet again with another Marvel superhero origin story. Following in the footsteps of the immensely popular “Iron...

Captain America: Civil War: A Marvel Outing with Something a Little Different (Blu-ray)
The Film: The Avengers assemble once more for the Russo Bros.’ “Captain America: Civil War,” a film that brings to life one of the most...

Marvel Reveals A Mind-Bending TV Spot for Doctor Strange
Not long ago, we got a second full-length trailer straight out of comic-con for the upcoming big screen adaptation of Marvel's "Doctor...