Westworld: Season Two - The Door: A Disappointing Follow-Up to an Intriguing First Season (Blu-ray)
The Show: HBO took an awfully big gamble when they green-lit “Westworld” for its first season in 2016. After all, who knew how the public...

Thor: Ragnarok: The God of Thunder Lightens Up (Blu-ray)
The Film: The Marvel Cinematic Universe is well-known for having some insanely entertaining franchises under its belt, including...

Westworld: Season One: The Sci-Fi Classic Gets an Intriguing Update (Blu-ray)
The Show: HBO has certainly never been afraid to take big, bold risks when it comes to pushing the bounds of what we see on television....

The Dresser: Two Brilliant Performances Enhance a Middling Play (DVD)
The Film: Most of the time, when I anticipate an upcoming film, it’s because of what sounds like a fantastic story or because it’s from a...

Bram Stoker's Dracula: Beautiful, but Heavily Flawed (Blu-ray)
The Film: For nearly 100 years, filmmakers have been bringing the infamous Count Dracula to screens both big and small, leaving us with...