Solo: A Star Wars Story: A Surprisingly Fun and Exciting Spinoff
No other film in recent years has had quite the story of a troubled production as “Solo: A Star Wars Story.” After finding themselves at...

Avengers: Infinity War: The Biggest Marvel Epic Yet
It’s the event that comic book/MCU fans have been waiting for. Over the course of ten years and 18 films, Marvel Studios has slowly built...

Ready Player One: A Pop Culture Lover's Dream Come True
Ernest Cline’s “Ready Player One” seemed like an idea that was destined to be popular right from the time of its publication. The pop...

Black Panther: A Weaker Effort from the MCU
As the MCU continues to grow and expand to include a multitude of new characters, there have been many that have been great successes,...

Star Wars: The Last Jedi: A Grand Step Forward for the Franchise
Upon the release of J.J. Abrams’ “Star Wars: The Force Awakens,” I was moderately excited for a new film in the franchise after the...

Justice League: A Premature Gathering of DC Superheroes
“Justice League.” It’s the movie that many DC Comics superfans have been waiting for for years now, the film that will finally unite...

Thor: Ragnarok: A Dark Franchise Cranks Up the Fun
The Marvel Cinematic Universe is well-known for having some insanely entertaining franchises under its belt, including “Guardians of the...

Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales: The Popular Franchise Hits a New Low
All the way back in 2003, the “Pirates of the Caribbean” franchise kicked off with a bang, bringing with it plenty of exciting action,...

It: A Satisfying Blend of Coming of Age Drama and Horror
Over the decades, adaptations of famed horror author Stephen King’s works have been hit or miss, ranging from clunkers like “Pet...

Atomic Blonde: Insane Action Overcomes a Muddled Plot
With the incredible success of the stylish actioner “John Wick,” it’s hardly surprising to find that similar projects would be...