Joker: A Shocking and Darkly-Humorous Origin Story
At this point, it’s undeniable to say that The Joker is one of the great, iconic villains of cinema. For over 50 years, we’ve seen...

IT: Chapter Two: A Curiously Bloated and Insubstantial Follow-Up
Just two years ago, director Andy Muschietti delivered the remarkable first half of his adaptation of Stephen King’s “IT.” It was a box...

Once Upon a Time in Hollywood: Tarantino's Meandering Opus
Since 1992, writer/director Quentin Tarantino has been bringing us one fascinating film after another, beginning with his breakout hit...

Dark Phoenix: A Fine Start Falls Prey to a Monotonous Climax
When last we left the current “X-Men” series, we had been made to suffer through what is arguably the worst entry in the entire...

Avengers: Endgame: A Thrilling and Emotionally-Satisfying Conclusion
One year ago, Marvel left us with one of the biggest cliffhangers of all time at the end of “Avengers: Infinity War.” With a snap of his...

Us: Jordan Peele's Bigger and Bolder Sophomore Effort
Just two years ago, noted comedian Jordan Peele did something quite unexpected by delivering the strange little horror flick “Get Out,”...

Aquaman: A Repetitive and Tiresome Entry in the DCEU
After “Justice League” came out last year to a disastrous reception from critics and fans alike, it was hoped that DC would put the...

Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald: A Considerably Weaker Sequel
Just two years ago, director David Yates and author J.K. Rowling sought to expand upon the wizarding world of “Harry Potter” by delving...

First Reformed: Fascinating Ideas Undone by an Erratic Character Arc
Writer/director Paul Schrader may not exactly be a household name, but if you’re any kind of film connoisseur, then you’ve more than...

Ant-Man and the Wasp: Light Marvel Fare, but Still Satisfying
Three years ago, Marvel Studios introduced “Ant-Man” on the big screen, a concept that seemed like it would be rather silly when lifted...