The Hunger Games: The Complete 4-Film Collection: A Series of Ups and Downs
The Films: “The Hunger Games” is one of those series that seemed to come completely out of nowhere, suddenly exploding into a worldwide...

In the Heart of the Sea: Beautifully Made, but Poorly Told (Blu-ray)
The Film: It’s been a little disheartening to see director Ron Howard struggle to come up with a good project over the last few years....

Room: An Intriguing and Powerful Character Piece (Blu-ray)
The Film: What a daunting task it must have seemed even to attempt to adapt something like Emma Donoghue’s best-selling novel “Room.” Not...

The Good Dinosaur: A Weaker Effort from the Great Pixar (Blu-ray)
The Film: Everyone knows that Pixar is responsible for some of the best animated films of the last two decades, including such...

Spotlight: Well-Intentioned, but Not Very Compelling (Blu-ray)
The Film: Investigative journalism has been a fascinating subgenre for film for several decades. Who could ever forget watching Woodward...

Trumbo: A Fascinating Piece of Cinema History Comes to Life (Blu-ray)
The Film: The name of Dalton Trumbo may be a name that’s only well-known to film buffs and students of cinema, but it’s truly a name that...

Spectre: James Bond Returns to Greatness (Blu-ray)
The Film: For the last few years, the James Bond franchise has had a little trouble getting itself back on track. After the outstanding...

The Leftovers: The Complete Second Season: More Intrigue, More Frustration (Blu-ray)
The Show: “The Leftovers” is a show that had a number of issues ever since it premiered back in 2014. The first season presented a...

Bridge of Spies: A Mostly-Compelling Cold War Tale (Blu-ray)
The Film: The Cold War has always been a fascinating topic for film and television, from the satirical “Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned...

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs: A Slightly Flawed, but Endearing Classic (Blu-ray)
The Film: In terms of historical impact and cultural importance, it’s hard to find an animated film as significant as “Snow White and the...